Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday–GAiN mission team in Haiti

We just completed our final day of ministry on the GAiN mission trip in Haiti We had a great day.

Cheryl, the girls and I went with 9 of the team to Onaville to conduct our final vision clinic. There were many people waiting and we wondered how we were going to see everyone in the clinic. But at 1:15 pm we had seen 149 people and 26 of them prayed to receive Christ into their lives. It was a great morning. for the week at our three clinics we saw 249 people and 39 of them became Christians. We have so impressed with the dedication and compassion of these team members. The final photo is the team with our interprets and the Jesus Film team who helped coordinate the events.


Bob and Nate stayed back on the NVM compound to continue work on the outdoor kitchen for the ladies cooking for the kids in the NVM school. Last night they moved the two painted containers back on their new footings. And today they installed all the piping for the water that will go to and from the kitchen. We are so blessed to have their expertise and experience. And they worked extremely hard. The next GAiN team coming in a week will complete the job Nate and Bob have started.


Tonight we drive up the mountain before supper to the scenic overlook. It is a spectacular view. The team leaves the compound tomorrow morning at 11 am. We are so grateful for their willingness to serve on this team. They have been an outstanding group and we pray that the Lord blesses them richly as their return to their homes and families.

And thank you for your prayers and encouragement. This great work would not have been done without you.

Jim, Cheryl and the Girls

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