Sunday, November 13, 2011

The GAiN Team in Haiti had a great Sunday

Our mission team of 19 had a full Sunday of activities. During our debrief meeting this evening, one of the members said it was wonderful to start the week by worshipping with the Haitians we will be ministering to this week.  It made us realize that we are all members of the same family as we sang and worshipped God together.

We started our day in the dining hall for breakfast and fellowship. Then during the service Pastor Pierre invited the team to the platform to be introduced and to sing a song. This is a tradition in the church. We sang, This Is the Day and the church musicians joined right in.


After lunch and a break we headed for the village of Chambrun. As I have mentioned in the past, this is a community about 1/2 mile from the campus were over 6000 live in very poor conditions.  NVM has a children’s home in Chambrun and we had a wonderful time playing with the children. We played soccer (their football), had a traveling puppet show, started a “bell choir” and generally had a great time with the kids.


Tomorrow morning we head out to Onaville, the largest IDP camp in Haiti, to conduct our first vision clinic.  We will report in again when we return to let you know how it went. Please be praying that God will prepare the hearts of those we minister to.

We love you all and are grateful for your interest and prayers.

Jim, Cheryl and the Girls

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